Crop Circles and epic imagery .


Crop Circles  – Making a legend --Reading -  Level B1 - C 2  

Each of these lessons are based on themes such as land art , NFTS or more general like the Ted talk on BLUE ZONES or tips for better PRESENTATIONS. The objective is to have engaging material but focusing always on language and the use of English. 

This article on based on what I see as a very British HAPPENING that reached it's peak in the 1990's and again became popular after the 2008 crash. 'Crop Circles' as they became to be known appeared in the seventies in the south of England. Initially these creations like LAND ART were a reaction by artist against the MONITISATION of the art market that exploded in the nineteen seventies. I was a way of creating something that could not be sold and re- implant the magic of creation in art. The media both in America and Britain always HELD OFF on a practical explanation because it was filling pages during THE SILLY SEASON \ The summer months when the governments were on vacation\. This helped to increase the curiosity and soon many WACKY theories began to SPROUT UP such as magnetic fields below the surface or pressed grass from alien space craft.

 Signs (2002) Trailer #1 | Movieclips Classic Trailers - YouTube

The emergence of crop circles in the late eighties and early nineties are also viewed by some people including the writer of the article as an effort to find mystery again in life and community after a decade of Thatcherism and privatisation. 

In the reading below the writer puts the phenomenon of crop circles into historical context. The students and teacher would read the material together, discussing the vocabulary and content as they make their way through it. 


Moving on from the EPIC idea of protest through the crop circles to advertisement where the lager company Carlton us the landscape as a BACKDROP and create a most humorios and creative animation people people are essentially the pixels. 
