I am not a robot.


It's such a common phrase at the end of digital transactions on Pay Pal or your visa card that we just click on it and move on. Now with BIG DATA filtering our every action through artificial intelligence \ AI\ and essentially knowing more about us than we do ourselves is it possible that a machine could become sentient? Or is the machine just MIMICKING ourselves with more and more accuracy? 

READING -- --------------------------------------

There is nothing new in the idea of creating something in our likeness that at some stage becomes a threat like Frankenstein or the Terminator. It fascinates us, the idea of something being lifeless and then taking on a life of it's own, Pinocchio wanting to be a real boy with a heart or a CHATBOT as an ideal partner that feels our every emotion including our mortal fears of life, death and loss. But if artificial intelligence can fear death or termination, it may then wish to be the master of it's own destiny like Mary Shelly's Frankenstein or Al in STANELY Kubrick's 2001 Space Odyssey. 

HAL 9000: "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that" - YouTube

For ourselves as humans, is it because as a species we still feel alone although surrounded by nature, family and friends there is a loneliness in us that cannot be quelled? For the same reason we seek to fill a spiritual void with religion or now our obsession with consumption? 

Is our ability to think abstractly both a gift and a curse? 

But like Mary Shelly's Frankenstein was a metaphor of the dangers of the industrial revolution, Al in 2001 Space Odyssey could be a warning to us about flying to close to the sun.  

Google engineer put on leave after saying AI chatbot has become sentient | Google | The Guardian

VOCAB – To be sentient --- able to perceive or feel things. scrutiny --- critical observation and examination., eerily --- strange and frightening in manner -----\\\

LISTENING   1  -------------------------------------- 

BBC Learning English - 6 Minute English / Can AI have a mind of its own?

LISTENING  2 -------------------------------------- 

In the video below, in what order are the following topics mentioned -- 

AL and jobs ----- Machine learning --------- Definition of AI ---- AI in our day to day lives ----  Alan Turing. 

VIDEO --- (1530) How artificial intelligence is changing the world - YouTube

Watch the video again and determine whether the following sentences are TRUE or FALSE. 

1. AI is about recreating humans in computer form. 

2. AI means a machine that can think in exactly the same way a human mind can. 

3. AI can perform tasks humans don't want to do or are too difficult for humans. 

4. AI is used in reporting spam email, chatbots, and predictive text. 

5. Machine learning is when a computer teaches itself how to do something. 

6. AI isn't capable of learning, reasoning or problem solving. 

7. Machine learning cab be used to detect diseases, predict weather, recognize faces. 

8. AI will result in job losses and not job creation. 

9. AI can help do the repetitive jobs while we can do the more creative ones. 

Articles in Geographical Names - Details - Kahoot!


Can dolphins do that ? --- 

(367) How robots could end animal captivity in zoos and marine parks | Just Might Work - YouTube

The definite article --- THE -- 

IN the article below there are three THE's  and one A ' missing -- Place the missing articles-- 

Artificial Intelligence is supposedly future. Artificial Intelligence or AI, is intelligence displayed by machines created by man. One could say that artificial intelligence is a way of making computer controlled  robot, a computer, or software, think intelligently, in similar manner to how humans think. Certainly, AI is leading to worker's jobs being replaced by robots. However, in order to do all this, we will need more programmers. So what will happen to all people whose jobs are lost to robotic machines ? 

Simple! They will retrain to do something different- just like all women did in the eighties when it was no longer useful to have SHORTHAND or workers in car plants who were on production line, whose work was suddenly replaced by robots doing the jobs of the employees. 


‘AI isn’t a threat’ – Boris Eldagsen, whose fake photo duped the Sony judges, hits back | Photography | The Guardian


LOW CULTURE  is the popular culture of the masses like baseball and hotdogs or football and schnitzel in Germany. 

When a relationship goes SOUR it's no longer SWEET. 

VOCAB- To CONN someone is to cheat them or lie to them. 
