Where is the Metaverse now ?


Each of these lessons are based on a topic such as OUTSIDER art, NFTS or more general like the Ted talk on BLUE ZONES or tips for better PRESENTATIONS. 

In this class we will investigate the world of the metaverse, through a listening, and  a short video from BBC. After using the new vocabulary related to the topic we would debate the idea of the metaverse as a LIKELY \+\ or UNLIKELY \-\ place to be. 

Class duration – Two one and a half hour sessions \ Number of students – 1 – 3 maximum

The majority of corrections are given in real time during the online class with notes taken and written in the CHAT option in microsoft teams, google MEET or skype.

OBJECTIVES - Expand vocabulary related to digital transformation, gain awareness of digital transformation and review and exercise conditional sentences. 

GRAMMAR  - Modal verb functions and sentence structures - Subject + modal + verb infinitive \ without TO\ . 

CONDITIONALS  - 0, 1st, 2nd, 3rd Conditionals - 


                             THE METAVERSE - LISTENING -- BBC English 

BBC Learning English - 6 Minute English / Welcome to the 'metaverse'

After listening to the audio answer the questions below relating to the metaverse. ----- 

1. How many people will be working on VR for the metaverse?

2.What percentage of people want to try it again after trying virtual reality for the first time?

3. What does PHYGITAL stand for ?

4. What does Dr Nicola Milard call VR?


FEEDBACK - The information below was taken from real classes in which I have used this material. 

CORRECTION - They can ATTEND or visit \ not assist\ ---- ASSIST in English is to help. If I am not able to visit Granada, I could use the metaverse. – So Granada losses REVENUE – Who GAINS the revenue ? Can places like the Alhambra demand taxes from the metaverse?

VOCAB - unwieldy headset --- uncomfortable, phygital, 

POSITIVES about the metaverse - like augmented reality it can be very useful for education e,g, making workshops, demonstrating operation procedures ....  

NEGATIVES - It's exclusive -- the accessories are expensive --- it's still in its INFANCY -----augmented reality --- GOOGLE GLASS


 If I were to use the metaverse, I would buy my clothes in ..... 

The metaverse as of yet doesn't exist therefore when we speak about it is essentially hypothetical, so we use the 2nd condition. 

    If, main verb \ PAST\, + WOULD + infinitive. 

There are presently many virtual reality applications and platforms, but the Metaverse does not actually exist yet. The idea is that META and other social platforms will be virtual and connected. We will spend more and more time in virtual reality, go shopping as our avatar, meet friends, play games, navigate the internet, go to exhibitions and buy and sell NFTS. For many people it's a FACT for others it's a POSSIBILITY and for many others it's UNREAL.

GAMING companies such as FORTNITE and social media platforms are the FORERUNNERS in virtual reality development. 

 If I had known in 1995, I would have .. 3rd conditional. 
