What are NFTS and how do they relate to the Metaverse ?


Each of these lessons are based on a topic such as OUTSIDER art, NFTS or more general like the Ted talk on BLUE ZONES or tips for better PRESENTATIONS. 

This is the first of a two part exercise on the topic of NFTS. 

OBJECTIVE  – Vocabulary expansion, listening for overall understanding and pronunciation.

GRAMMAR  - VERB + NOUN collocations – MAKE and DO. ----------------- MAKE money and DO business. Class duration – Two one and a half hour sessions \ Number of students – 1 – 3 maximum

The majority of corrections are given in real time during the online class with notes taken and written in the CHAT option in Microsoft teams, Google MEET or Skype.


LEAD IN - Creating a movement - (1062) Sasquatch music festival 2009 - Guy starts dance party - YouTube

We are going to watch a small clip taken from  a music festival where we'll see the progression of  a movement in REAL TIME. 


In the video the protagonist is similar to a STARTUP or a new concept. It takes a strong individual to stand alone with their idea before it CATCHES ON. The lone NUT \ loco\ will gradually become a genius or influencer only if people begin to follow him. Like Kevin Mc Coy who created the first  NFT in May 2014 it would take awhile before the movement began but like in the video once it reached a certain point people RUSHED like stampeding cattle to get there before the idea goes MAINSTREAM. 

Once the artist Beeple had sold a piece for 69,3 million dollars the momentum ROCKETED. Since last year a lot of people have MADE fortunes \ hacerse millionarios\ from speculating in NFTS. 

CONCEPT of the one million dollar man – The million dollar man has a million pixels each one sold for a dollar. The seller spread the idea and it WENT VIRAL. --------- People wanted to be involved in the trend by buying a pixel which was only a dollar. Really the pixel had no value other than it was part of an idea. 


LISTENING - You are going to listen to a BBC English audio about NFTS- In what order are the topics below mentioned? 

1. The value of NFTS

2. Sir Tim Berners Lee and the internet. 

3. Autographed photo of footballer Kylian Mbappe

4. Pyramid schemes. 

5. A wild West. 

 BBC Learning English - 6 Minute English / Why are people collecting NFTs?


1. Check the understanding of new vocabulary and pronunciation. 

2. What does the term non - fungible mean ? 

3. What makes NFTS so different to previous collectables? 

4. How much did the signed photograph of Kylian Mbappe sell for ? 


PRONUNCIATION - bidding -/ˈbɪdɪŋ/, –Subasta, varied - (vâr′ēd)

HERD CHASING – A herd of cows will follow in the foot steps of other cows –  when a movement starts there is a point where there will be a STAMPEDE \ a sudden rush\ - people want to be at the beginning of a trend before it becomes too popular or too expensive to BUY INTO later. 

PYRAMID SCHEME -\ noun\ a form of investment \ illegal in the UK and elsewhere\ in which each paying participant recruits two further participants with returns being given to early participants using money contributed by later ones. 

VOCAB - fungible – interchangeable, digital artefacts, autographed photos, collectables, the Wild West, acting like a rogue, The Dark Net –

BUY INTO - Invest or pay a sum of money into a housing scheme or business venture. 

A GIMMICK – a trick or device intended to attract attention, publicity, or trade.

You are paying for something NON TANGIBLE  meaning it can't be physically touched. 


GRAMMAR - Collocations DO and MAKE 

Non fungible tokens are a speculative market place and for many investors it's still to unstable to DO BUSINESS or trade in NFTS. From my own personal research while MAKING this class PLAN I found that there was a huge amount of material on the subject although it did seem to be quite BIASED towards only the benefits of NFTS for artists. 

I prefer not to give  a personal opinion but concentrate on the grammar! In English the verbs MAKE and DO are collocated \ put with \  a lot of different nouns and it is important in order to expand vocabulary at a B2 level by practising this VERB + NOUN patterns and DRILLING the structure so that it sticks in your brain. 

I have taken here five of each -- Collocations with DO 

A general rule is that the verb DO is about performing actions -- 

A job well DONE, DO something, Do business, Do research, Do you best. 

Make relates more to creating, construction, fabrication, and production - 

Make a complaint, a connection, a fortune, an offer, plans. 

For a detailed look into MAKE and DO check out this link - 044 Business Collocations with Make and Do - The Art of Business English

With a student I would put these verb + noun patterns into conversations as naturally as possible and DRILL these patterns. Practice online through  make, do - Exercise 1 (englisch-hilfen.de)

If it's a group class I would practice the patterns through games such as Kahoot - 

B2 Vocabulary: Collocations with take, make and do - Details - Kahoot!

Taking the new vocabulary and MAKE and DO collocations practiced  we will move onto PART 2 -- A reading from El Pais \ USA - Edition \ -. 

