Reimagining a city -- The Guggenheim Museum and the city of Bilbao.

Each of these lessons are based on a topic such as the METAVERSE, NFTS or more general like the Ted talk on BLUE ZONES or tips for better PRESENTATIONS. 

This lesson is a reading and listening exercise looking at the way in which art and was an integral part in the transformation of the city of Bilbao in the north of Spain. 

Objective – Reading an article from BBC Arts, discussing the imagining of a city and introducing phrasal verbs and new vocabulary. 

Class duration – One-hour sessions \ Number of students – 1 – 3 maximum

The majority of corrections are given in real time during the online class with notes taken and written in the CHAT option in Microsoft teams, google MEET or skype.


The definition of the word REIMAGINE is to remake or review something from a fresh perspective. The Basque region of Spain took this brave approach when they began to transform the industrial city of Bilbao in the 1990s. In a period of economic uncertainty and violence a CLUSTER of architects and artists were invited to the city, and thus began Bilbao on a new CAMINO \ path\. 

BBC Arts - BBC Arts - The Bilbao effect: How 20 years of Gehry's Guggenheim transformed the


VOCAB - a scare, gritty, A city scarred – by terrorism, kick start,

PRONUNCIATION - Hub – [hʌb] -the central part of a wheel, rotating on or with the axle, and

from which the spokes radiate.

A riot of twisted metal, more like sculpture than architecture.

Phrasal verb – knock-on – a secondary effect, travel on – continue, win over – convince someone of


Listening ---- The Bilbao Effect -- 

Frank Gehry and the Bilbao Effect - YouTube


This is a listening looking in more detail at the work of Franck Gehry and his many projects. 

The playful architecture of Frank Gehry - YouTube

The video will be paused after three minutes and answer the questions below about the dialogue and the earlier part of Gehry's life. 

0 - 3 mins -- 

1. What does the interviewer mean when he says that Gehry at 91 is not resting on 'his substantial laurels ? 

2. When dis Disney Hall open to the public? 

3. What does Gehry mean when he says ' I see what I would do differently' ? 

4.  What is ' second guessing ' and what other expression does the interviewer use to describe this? 

5. How does the architect describe his impression of L.A when hew arrived as a seventeen year old? 

6. What expression is used to say that attention has been directed somewhere? 

attention collocations | Sentence collocations by Cambridge Dictionary
