Eduardo Galeano - / 7th Junio 2012

'Espejos' de Galeano (Espejos) es la obra más extensa de Galeano desde 'Memoria del fuego'. Galeano ofrece un amplio mosaico de la historia contada a través de las voces de los no escuchados sin ser visto, y olvidado. Recordando la vida de los artistas, escritores, dioses y visionarios, Galeano hace que "la tradición de la masa de la historia y las historias que hacen de este mundo, y que nos hace humanos." (Rick Simonson) 'Espejos' se publicó en los EE.UU. en Inglés por Nation Books en junio de 2009.
Por sus escritos y opiniones en las dictaduras fascistas de América del Sur fue encarcelado y ha sido fugitivo por encontrarse en las listas negras de los fascistas .Galeano se compara a menudo con John Dos Passos y Gabriel García Márquez, los más grandes escritores contemporáneos de América latina.
Fui a su charla en la que leyó extractos de sus libros, y aunque no pude entender bien todo lo que decía lo que mas me impresiono fue la importancia del tiempo en sus escritos y la estructura poética de su narración.
Eduardo Galeano - / 7th June 2012
In his writings he combines fiction, journalism, political analysis and history.
"Fleas dream of buying themselves a dog, and nobodies dream of escaping poverty: that, one magical day, good luck will suddenly rain down on them - will rain down in buckets. But good luck doesn’t rain down, yesterday, today, tomorrow or ever. Good luck doesn’t even fall in a fine drizzle, no matter how hard the nobodies summon it, even if their left hand is tickling, or if they begin the new day on their right foot, or start the new year with a change of brooms. The nobodies: nobody’s children, owners of nothing. The nobodies: the no-ones, the nobodied, running like rabbits, dying through life, screwed every which way. Who are not, but could be. Who don’t speak languages, but dialects. Who don’t have religions, but superstitions. Who don’t create art, but handicrafts. Who don’t have culture, but folklore. Who are not human beings, but human resources. Who do not have faces, but arms. Who do not have names, but numbers. Who do not appear in the history of the world, but in the crime reports of the local paper. The nobodies, who are not worth the bullet that kills them."
— Eduardo Galeano, "The Nobodies" [9]
Galeano's Espejos (Mirrors) is Galeano's most expansive work since Memory of Fire. Galeano offers a broad mosaic of history told through the voices of the unseen, unheard, and forgotten. Recalling the lives of artists, writers, gods and visionaries, Galeano's makes "lore out of the mass of history and stories that make this world, and make us human." (Rick Simonson) Mirrors was published in the US in English by Nation Books in June 2009.
I went to his talk in which he read extracts from his books and although I could not understand a great deal what struct me was the manner in which he marked time and a poetic sense to his narration and presence.
VIVALACALLE era un taller de tres días con la intención de hacer que los hogares funcionales y transportable para la gente sin hogar. Todos los materiales utilizados para el taller tiene que ser libre y tomada desde la calle, aunque algunos pueden contener materiales más permanentes, como el acero, principalmente las estructuras están hechas de cartón, plástico y madera.

La mayoría de los participantes en este taller fueron los europeos los estudiantes de arquitectura en Madrid en diferentes programas de intercambio Erasmus.

VIVALACALLE was a three day workshop with the intention of making functional and transportable homes for the homeless. All the materials used for the workshop have to be free and taken from the street although some may contain more permanent materials such as steel mainly the structures are made from cardboard, plastic and wood.
Each group of 4 -5 people would design their own type of house concentrating on the importance of it's practicality to a homeless person, for example it must be lightweight, durable and comfortable.
Most of the participants in this workshop were European architectural students in Madrid on different Eramus exchange programmes.

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