All events other than the opening are bring your own bier and there is a cover charge of € 3 for the doorman on the night for the talks and a charge of € 5 for the band on the friday.... Peanuts .
13th - 6-8 / Band - Minnie and the illywackers ukuele swing and good time music.
( approx 100 mins)
18th - 6-8 / Micheal Connerty - ' Pioneers of the American Comic Strip'
- Talk and slideshow ( approx 110 mins)
19th - 6-8 / John Sherwin – 'Superheroes in the dark age – When comics became graphic novels'
( 30 mins approx)
movie – Unbreakable( 106 mins )
24th - Micheal Connerty - ' Crime Horror and the Anti - comics Crusade of the 1950's ' -
-Talk and slideshow (110 mins approx)
After the film there will be complimentary food and drinks and people can collect bought work. -
This is closing day of the show
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