After crating all the work and having it transported to Madrid the original venue 'El reino' academia de dibujo y pintura was forced to close down due to 'crises' in spain and giving me a real crises of my own.
Alot of this work will be transported back to the studio in Dublin in January so I really had to find an alternative venue somewhere in the city centre and before christmas.As soon as I knew definitly that 'El reino' was closing I contacted over fifty galleries and exhibition spaces in the city. Usually I am still a bit nervous about contacting galleries ,it reminds me of asking girls out you fancy when your a teenager, your never really sure if you can take the rejection.But after spending a year preparing the work and getting it to madrid and developing the website, blog etc.. all in preparation for the show I just felt.. just do it at this stage.
Working and living in Dublin and coming back and forth to madrid on the small bit of money I have has been really difficult but I think it was very necessary to work this way in preparation for the show. More of the work has a context with madrid, there are small drawings and documented photos of work on did on the streets and to have developed a working relationship with people at La tabacalera and other exhibition spaces have enabled me to generate an interest and a curiosity about my upcoming show.If I had a show in Madrid without developing a relationship with the city and it's people why would anybody go to my show over any other?
Any way I'm getting off the track here a bit, so any way It was a very rewarding endeavor.I won't go into detail now. But I was very lucky to have got a space at www.espacio8.es from the 19th - 31 of December.
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