My interests in the window and the curtain began many years and relates to something I remember as a kid.I was four and I use to freak out when I was sent to school away from my mother.The school was only around the corner and at every opportunity I would would make a bee line for home only to be taken back each time by one of my older sisters. One day it rained so heavily that thw class were not allowed out for little break at which I would make my dash.
We got our milk and sandwiches in the class and I was in tears, I thought of my mother leaning out a window as it rained and she was looking for me and crying. I feaked out and threw the bootle of milk which smashed on the blackboard and basically went ballistic kicking and screaming at the teacher.That poor teacher, I remember how I used to kick here ankles.She was a good looking hippy chick and I think it was her first year teaching!After that I was sent to a special school for a while.
When my mother passed away nine years ago I moved home for a while and all these memories flooded back to me.Most of these memories are good and they gave me strength and lifted like a rising tide but even good memories are always in the past and to dwell too much on them they will envelope you and you drown and die a little.This idea of the window like the sea in work symbolises separation and something traumatic.I saw the film still in Hitchcock's 39 steps and I was mesmerised by it.Partly because of my own association to the curtains and the window but also because of the way Hitchcock presents it in the film. It really is just a beautiful scene, firstly two people sitting in the kitchen having milk and a snack before going to bed, cuts to the window scene no sound and then the morning.
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