This sculpture was created between January 2009 and September 2010 and went through a number of manifestations before I felt it was complete.It sort of represents the passing of souls ascending into the heavens above or somehwere, the same place we all go where ever that is? nowhere or somewhere?
I have always loved the spitfires, a beautiful marriage of machine and nature and all they represent , the few against the many, like the spartans holding of the great armies of the Greeks.The drawing beneath are rooftops and gardens, an aerial view taken from a model of my parents house and then repeated.
1.I started this piece by making a wooden mould 16cm deep and 120 x 120 cm wide and high.I cut and placed curves of wood to the corners and shellaced the surface a number of times.This was the waxed and polished and after painted with several coats of pva release mould.
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