Ophelia 1940 - process 2

2. The spitfires were cast in clear resin with an amber liquid pigment.There are numerous pigments for use with polyester resin but I find that the liquid and natural one work best. They fuse with the clear resin more completely and the genereal result is more harmonious.But this probably depends on what you think your looking for. I basically went and got myself the biggest airfix spitfire I could find and made the model. I tried first to get a plaster cast from this model which was disaterous as I couldn't retrieve the plastic plan.In the end I had to pick and pull it out in pieces with a pliers.

3. From the plaster cast I then had to made a rubber cast of the plan from the plaster cast and again I made a 'rubber' mould in vina mould from the vina mould plane.From this vina mould I was able to cast four clear resin planes blocking out parts when I needed to with clay in the mould.
