The poured cement was leaft for a week to set properly. After I cleaned it down with a hand deck scrubber and soap.I wanted to apply a domestic sense to the work because I wanted it to relate directly to where I was from. The actual house and the way the house is and was and to portray the sense of the journey passing the house.
I remember when I was younger and my exgirlfriends mother died. Her mother had cancer so she knew she was passing.Previously the family had lived around the corner in the same estate as my family but they had managed to move to a middleclass neighbourhood close by.The mother requested that during her procession the car should not drive past the house where they had spent the vast majority of their lives.It Wasn't that the family had had a particularly hard time there it was just she felt they had bettered ,it was a class thing.I always liked this combination also, the brutal bare cement against the domestic gloss.
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