Two things you'll have to give me a wide birth on this blogg is my Spanish and my technical ability with the blogg. Regarding the animations they can be found on utube if you put in kenneth lambert animations when you are the utube site. When I find out how to put them up on the blogg you'll be the first to know.
There are now many different manifestations of the horse but all of which still keep a strong similarity to the lego or playmobile original horse.I felt that the horse had some real classical features although it was a kids toy to me it spoke of Greek mythology.But also it had the look of cowboys and Indians and it intrigued me that an object could hold on what would seem initially as such polemic references but when you consider it the American gothics, or the plays of Arthur Miller, or the early gangster movies of James Cagney speak of the same parables as Homers Iliad.
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