Each of these lessons are based on a topic such as cyber security, NFTS or in this case the rise of gaming and in particularly The Monster Hunter Franchise
This lesson is a look at the origins of the festival of Halloween and how it came to be ' Trick or Treat'
Objective – Expanding vocabulary related to gaming and story telling related to dragons and wyverns
Class duration – Two - 1 hour session \ Number of students – 1 – 3 maximum
The majority of corrections are given in real time during the online class with notes taken and written in the CHAT option in Microsoft teams, google MEET or skype.
VOCAB - una huerta - an alotment - a vegetable PATCH, to encourage -- para animar- the aim -- el objectivo, parsnips – remolacha, a turnip -- un nabo, una calabaza - a pumpkin, manipulado geneticamente - genetic engineering - to depict – muestrar, para representar
Jack-o'-Lantern: Why Is It Named 'Jack'? (voanews.com)
lantern – n. a usually portable lamp with a protective covering, decorate – v. to make (something) more attractive usually by putting something on it
heaven – n. the place where God lives and where good people go after they die according to some religions, hell – n. the place where the devil lives and where evil people go after they die according to some religions, wander – v. to move about without a fixed course, aim, or goal - deambular,
carve – v. to cut (something, such as a pattern or design) into a surface – excavar\ horadar, costume – n. the clothes that are worn by someone (such as an actor) who is trying to look like a different person or thing.
Halloween Trivia ----
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