This is a series of you tube clips and articles about the power of persuasion, belief and the growth of fake news and conspiracy theories.
Objective – Expand vocabulary related to fake news deception.
Grammar - Synonyms of false, fake, fraud, sham, hoax,
Class duration – Two - 1 hour session \ Number of students – 1 – 3 maximum
The majority of corrections are given in real time during the online class with notes taken and written in the CHAT option in Microsoft teams, google MEET or skype.
Nowadays we are BOMBARDED with information from all angles a lot of which is difficult to SOURCE \ find the original URL of the information\ and therefore it's difficult to know if it's genuine or simply DOCTORED from an original text.
When the science fiction novel ' War of the Worlds ' was adapted to the radio by Orson wells it created panic in some American cities where people genuinely believed that they were invaded by martians.
The link below is a short video talking about the event and the MYTH of the event and how the media played it's part even then by PROPAGATING fake news.
The original ‘fake news’? ‘War of the Worlds’ at 80 - YouTube
--- But how do we check if the news \ uncountable\ is actually genuine? Does anybody really check unless they have to ?
Recognised papers could be sued for LIBEL or SLANDER but with the internet it's much more difficult to prove or even find the original SOURCE.
It's nothing new though! Fake news has always been around, sometimes severe propaganda sometimes humorous SUCHA AS the 1957 BBC news report of the spaghetti harvest \ cosecha\ .
(429) BBC: Spaghetti-Harvest in Ticino | Switzerland Tourism - YouTube
Fox News settles election claims defamation case for eyewatering $787m | Watch (
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