Each of these lessons are based on a topic such as the METAVERSE, NFTS or more general like the Ted talk on BLUE ZONES or tips for better PRESENTATIONS.
This is a listening and reading exercise looking at the work of the British artist David Hockney, his inspirations, opinions and recent exhibitions.
Objective – Expand vocabulary related to art and grammar construction in giving opinions in English.
Class duration – Two - hour session \ Number of students – 1 – 3 maximum
The majority of corrections are given in real time during the online class with notes taken and written in the CHAT option in Microsoft teams, google MEET or skype.
This year the British painter David Hockney will join the ranks of artists exhibiting in IMMERSIVE spaces in what some see as a theme park version of fine art while others view it as a new opening to an audience who otherwise would never know the artists work.
I have no doubt that whichever opinion someone might have to these type of spaces David Hockney will create the best possible example of it. Above everything else Hockney is a GRAFTER meaning he physically works his way through difficulties a perfect combination of artist and artisan. It didn't surprise me to discover that he is greatly inspired by the work of Van Gogh another landscape painter.
David Hockney Interview: The World is Beautiful - YouTube
The second video is a more IN- DEPTH look at the work Hockney made for his show titled 'The Joy Of Nature' and his inspiration namely Vincent Van Gogh and the work that the artist made during his time in Arles in the south of France.
While I was in college I had the fortune to study the letters of Van Gogh and his paintings which were for me also a great inspiration. Not many know this but it was really the letters that Vincent had written to his brother Theo that made him famous and the great dedication from a young widow - The woman who made Vincent famous - Van Gogh Museum
Van Gogh like Hockney was a great GRAFTER and very PROLIFIC in his short life which is something that the world should be GRATEFUL for!
David Hockney on Vincent van Gogh | FULL INTERVIEW - YouTube
FEEDBACK -------------------------------------------------------
PRONUNCIATION - ninth --[ˈnʌɪnθ]
VOCAB – a slate \ a big amount\of immersive exhibitions, unfazed --- unaffected
---- A painter sees more the more he looks and the more he paints. The German fauvists didn't mix the colour on the PALLETE
VOCAB - drab -- gray and depressing, soot - coloured --- blackened, soot -- polvo de carbon, unabashed --- no shame, a barn --- stable.
To BEAM – To give a great big smile.
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