SWAB art fair - Barcelona 3-6 October 2013

This is the second year that Marc De Coene has taken part in the SWAB art fair and this time there were only three artists being exhibited by the gallery Johannes Braig, Monica Gener and myself. The show was held in the Italian pavillion at Montjunic in Barcelona.

This year I exhibited five sculptures one of which consisted of 120 separate pieces hung individually so it was necessary to have a technician help me transport and install the work. Before I had sent work through international haulage but this time I felt it would be easier to rent a van and bring the work myself. This art fair was quite expensive for me since I had to pay expenses and wages for a technician to travel with me and also the van ,petrol and tolls.In the past two years I have concentrated on exhibiting my art as much as possible while adding some new works along the way. The theme as such in the work is semi - autobiographical and these works to refer to a  difficult period in my life after my mother passed away but precious also because it was a time when I spent a lot of time with my father. In the large ´iron ´piece is reminiscent of the suburbs where I grew up.It´s much nicer now but when I grew up there it was quite poor and I remember the pebble dashed houses many in bare cement and the cement and tarmace pavements. Lonely melancholy days with the rain in the suburbs and the seagulls on the rooftops.

The location this year was better than the previous fair. It was smaller and a lot of the accessories and advertising where gone.But this year for sales was tougher again than the last also very few galleries sold any work at all, I was fortunate to have sold a piece which more or less covered my costs.But the attendance this year was much greater and the reception to my work was fantastic, constantly during the whole fair there were people in front of my work taking photos and talking about it. It was a real boost for me after a good few lean years to see people really enjoying my work. Presently I don´t have a good camera so the images of my own work here I have found on other art related blogs.One is a Russian art blog spot and the other a Spanish blog.

Over the past year while working in La tabacalera  the finish I have achieved on the resin pieces is of a much finer quality than before. I understand the material very well now and I have learnt a lot from certain companions in the workshop in particular Xavier who is a stone engraver and jeweller  and also Fernando. The have taught me better processes to attain a brilliant polish to the resin.

Reflecting the times there were few large pieces of work at the art fair and the best works were small drawings and photography and it was very encouraging to see so many people at the at fair. Sometimes arts fairs can be all bling , shock and awe kind of style and people complain that it´s a bit superficial but I still prefer it over the old style by appointment and opening nights. Usually there are 40 - 60 galleries exhibiting at fairs so there is no problem being critical and I love the busyness of the fairs. For me the highlights were  Malgosia Jankowska, Orly montag, Olimpia Velasco, Christian Fogarolli and the cloud project by Jonathen Sullam 2011.

So far in the coming year I have two art fairs one in Madrid (Art Madrid) in February and the second in July in Austria. It´s difficult at the moment to get time to create as I am working full time , hopefully over the xmas holidays I can get a bit done. I am excited about the art fair in Madrid because the location is spectacular, it the Ayuntimiento building in Cibeles, you couldn't wish for a better place.
