ARCO - Madrid - March 2013

I guess what I noticed most of all about Arco this year as regards the previous two years I have seen it in Madrid was the decline in sculpture I guess reflecting the tougher times. There were a lot more drawings and watercolors which I really liked and some really cool photo installations.
I will only put up a handful of the images I have just to give an overall view of the show. For me one of the most impressive pieces was a photo installation by Georges Rousse which unfortunately my image doesn´t do justice.On closer inspection this installation consists of maticulously painted, cut and assembled wooden panels beautifully situated in an other wise crude environment.It kinda has a post punk style which I really like.

The usual suspects were there such as Atonio Lopez,the guy that does these wooden sculptures and and I´ll get a couple of other names and put them in later

The tickets are expensive though at fifty Euros where the average wage is about a thousand a month it doesn´t give you the feeling that art fairs really want to open art up to the masses. I think in one way art fairs are good for art and artists because you get to see a huge amount of work under the same roof and you can openly like or dislike work and it´s no big deal.This I find very liberating and also the sheer amount of different materials and concepts although sometimes exhausting is always fascinating.

A lot of pieces reflected earlier styles in art such as the futurists in this painting but I think it`s inevitable with so much art.But there was a great dynamic energy to this artists work, composed ,stylistic and just damn good.
