Preparing the show 'Comenzar' in Madrid

I havn't written on the blog in six weeks now due to the fact that I have been back in Dublin framing work and preparing a pallet to be shipped to Spain.I also did a small commission for the institute of chartered accountants which has enabled me to finance the last of the expenses for the show,the framing, sculptural materials the rent on my studio in Dublin for the past six months and the transportation of the work.

While in Dublin I also did a small bit of work for Cecily Brennen in connection with Dublin city council and also work for 'Le cool' magazine in preparation for their 100th edition anniversary at the Royal Hibernian Academy on the 28th of October and a few other bits and pieces.I was flat out all the time and closer to the end I had tro sleep two days in the studio in order to have everything complete before I returned to Madrid.
