Ophelia 1940 - process 4

1.After the final layer has been poured cover the top of the mould while it sets and leave it to set completely for preferably for five or six days.

2.Remove the wooden mould from the resin cast and begin sanding the cast. I consider these sculptures contemporary in their representation and in my own work I am inspired by the pop art movement.I consider the work of such artists as Claus Oldenburg, Peter Blake and Donald Judd as all pop with substance. I believe the substance in any artists work comes from practice, experience and process.Why I am saying this now is that I feel the development of this work for me has taken many many years and most of this work I threw out.So when I am explaining these processes you have to remember it's not like a kinder egg, you have to remember that every entity like the matches, the planes, the house came from different directions over many years.

I began the sanding with 120 grain pads and using an orbital sander, then 240 and 320grain sanding both sides and the edges. Always wear a good quality ventilator, gloves, hat ,the works and try to work as much as possible outside, resin is nasty and don't put your fingers any where near your eyes. I tried wearing tight goggles but found that they were stuffy and counter productive protective glasses are better.

A 16mm wooden mount was cut for the back of the piece and in the four corners a 22mm dowl wood hole had been set so that that each corner of the resin block could be mounted to the wooden base. Over each corner a wooden quarter of a circle was placed to cover the dowl and screw it tight to the wooden quarter block. Matches were glued and shellaced to creat a good finish and texture as were the edges of the wooden back base.This entire structure was then mounted to a wall by a baton of wood attached to the back of the wooden base.
