So I started again using a harder red wax(Barra).
1. A release agent (I use olive oil or vasaline)is applied to each part of the interior of you fibreglass mould.
2. The wax is broken up into small pieces and melted in small amounts in a pot. The flame should be very low due to the fact that the wax will heat and burn very quickly.This can be a difficult and dangerous process if not followed correctly.If the wax begins to smoke at all the flame is too high.
3. remove the melted wax in the pot from the flame and allow it to almost set again.When the wax is lumpy and very close to being solid again apply it to one part of the mould.If the wax is any way to hot it will burn off the release agent and stick to the mould.Take your time and apply the wax using a small brush.Repeat the process of melting the wax and cooling as many times as is necessary.
A wax cast should always release easily from it's mould.Proper process will ensure the desired result, think of the turtle and the hare;=)
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