The district of Lavapies where latabacalera is situated was once the Jewish and Moorish quarter outside the city walls of Madrid until they where forced in exile or conversion in 1492.
The neighborhood then became Madrid's working class disrtict for hundreds of years and largely fell into decay until artists and immigrants began to fill it's abandoned houses in the 80's and 90's.Since the a gentrification of sorts has taken place and now it is a multicultural bohemian neighborhood full of bars, galleries ethnic restaurants and cafes.
I had thought of bringing the horse into Sol where there have been demonstrations against the austerity measures in Spain. I thought people could write their opinions on the horse if they agreed or disagreed with the manner of the protests.But after thinking about it for a while I felt that this was maybe another project at a different stage and I would stay with my initial plan to exhibit it in the area of Lavapies.I wanted to display this form which I feel is quite classical in its simplicity and style.
I wanted to use the area of Lavapies and in particular Plaza de Tirso Molina as a backdrop.
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