This simple plastic toy symbolised so much to me at the time and gave me so much strength.To me it was a reminder of my mother's love, a means to bridge a gap to send a kiss, that she was still around us all.I always remember the silence after my mothers death.The echoed silence, like a crowd cheering and applauding then total silence but with the memory of the noise.After a time other symbols began to emerge, the house, the simple bird shape.
At times like these one needs signs and symbols of love and rememberance.You feel you are floating in space in a cold darkness, they are like anchors to ground you and give you strength.It could be anything, photographs, a watch, a flower, a scarf.They unite to our loved ones whom have passed not simply in a conscious reminder but in a way more poetic that is for me intangible to put in a written word.
The ocean also runs as a theme through some work due to a number of dreams I had at this time, it began represent a parting.I also believe it is a connection to something more universal and infinite, it's waves crashing like a beathing heart.
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