After several experiences the horse as a symbol represented to me a sense of spiritual rebirth and an insistance on the exsistential.A short while after my mother had passed a close friend invited to go fishing for a weekend in wicklow.One of the days we where out we had just bought a bag of chips and had them in our hands as we cut across a field to get to a good spot in the river that he knew well.There where three large horses in the field and almost immediatly after we got on the wooden fence they came charging towards us. Normally I would not get into a field with a cow in it let alone three large horses.The friend said to stay in the same position and not turn my back to the the animals as they charged straight towards me, it turned out that they had smelt the chips and that was their curiosty.
But the power I felt in the horses ,the pounding hoves on the ground as the ran towards us and the size, the sweat and physicality of these animals was so present that it seemed to brutalty insist on the moment as my own heart pounded.
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