Where to now?

I've been back in Dublin for three weeks and now I have brought stuff back to Madrid that I can begin to work on in the tabacalera. The fact that I don't have any materials here and can't afford to buy any means that i have to try and find a different way to work here.

I have been toying with the idea of using the street of madrid as a kind of canvas.Coming from Ireland the outside here is a bit like the inside at home.I've been looking at the streets and they really are well paved and could make a nice surface for working with charcoals. I have to keep the material cost really cheap and I have a load of charcoals.

I like the idea of mapping the shadows, with the strong dorect sun and no clouds it really opens up an avenue to somebody from a country formally known as Hibernia!

I brought back a mould of a spitfire which I'll cast plaster moulds from and see where it takes me:)
