I'm getting off the point there a bit with the travels thing but I think it's important. I had alot of experiences of a kind the vast majority where positive and new.I always had a bit of a distaine for school and really I felt to a certain degree that my life in a way began when I finished school in 1989.It really did feel like a time of great change in the western world.Nelson Mandela released, the collapse of communism and the Berlin wall and of course Tianimin square.In 1990 I travelled to eastern euroup and there really was a great sense of optimisim and openess, small discos and bars would open up out of nowhere in Prague and they would just sell off all the wine and bier they had and when it was gone the bar closed and the club just stayed open.In these years I was doing so much of everything really, travelling, partying, meeting real characters and being in strange scenarios great times;).
I am writing this really for myself to ruminate and reflect on why and how I ended up here.Sometimes you think it feels like an accident but then when you look back and put the pieces together it appears not to be so accidental. Well for example as a kid I was always drawn to the meloncholy pilgrim programs that where coming from america like kung fu and the hulk. Jesus, I used to love the title music of the hulk.David Banner walking along it's sunny and his crumpled troubled face with the reference of a tibeten monk, da then da da. Some body had thrown him in the back boot of a car again (bad idea). Then he freaked out in slow motion but showed his sentimental side in the end but still it was best if he leaft the town. So he always leaft on a high, he did so good the people wanted him to stay but he had to go so he kept that sense of mystery and next week is a new story and all the time he is seeking something and all the time he is being sought.
For me there is something very Socrates about this pilgrim.I think it was Socrates that said ' the wisest man is the man who knows that he knows nothing'. If you approach a situation with a preconcieved notion that you know the answer before you have heard the question then you are likely to learn nothing from the experience.
I am writing this really for myself to ruminate and reflect on why and how I ended up here.Sometimes you think it feels like an accident but then when you look back and put the pieces together it appears not to be so accidental. Well for example as a kid I was always drawn to the meloncholy pilgrim programs that where coming from america like kung fu and the hulk. Jesus, I used to love the title music of the hulk.David Banner walking along it's sunny and his crumpled troubled face with the reference of a tibeten monk, da then da da. Some body had thrown him in the back boot of a car again (bad idea). Then he freaked out in slow motion but showed his sentimental side in the end but still it was best if he leaft the town. So he always leaft on a high, he did so good the people wanted him to stay but he had to go so he kept that sense of mystery and next week is a new story and all the time he is seeking something and all the time he is being sought.
For me there is something very Socrates about this pilgrim.I think it was Socrates that said ' the wisest man is the man who knows that he knows nothing'. If you approach a situation with a preconcieved notion that you know the answer before you have heard the question then you are likely to learn nothing from the experience.
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