An inflection point with the Inflation Reduction Act

 Each of these lessons are based on topics ranging from mural artists, NFTS, or Superblock cities. This lesson is a bout the recent legislation in North America which will see the biggest ever single investment in Green Energies in the world \ 370 Billion dollars \ . This is essentially a major TURN AROUND in American energy policy , the giggest shift in fifty years. 

The lesson is a youtube mini informative documentary on the legislation and the way the way it will possibly MAP OUT over the next ten years. 

Objective – Class duration – One - 2 hour session \ Number of students – 1 – 4 

The majority of corrections are given in real time during the online class with notes taken and written in the CHAT option in Microsoft teams, google MEET or skype. 


The announcement of The Inflation Reduction Act by the Biden administration before Christmas was a major SHIFT IN American economic policy. After fifty years of  OFF SHORING and protecting it's carbon based industries it about to begin a 270 billion dollar investment in Green Energies with the intention of bringing production back to North America and being a real competitor in the RENEWABLE energy market. 

How Biden's Inflation Reduction Act changed the world | FT Film (

IDIOMS – all bets are off,

VOCAB - renewable energy , Bi Partisan embrace - abrazar, ladies under-garments – ropa interior\ 6,10\ ,supercharge, subsidies, to off shore – Zara OFF shores clothes fabrication to Morocco, an inflection point, uncharted waters

\\\ America wants to REINDUSTRIALIZE HEARTLANDS. --- What does this mean ?

\\\\ Red states - Blue states and The Swing States 
