Bouncebackability - Resilience and Compliance

Each of these lessons are based on a topic such as cyber security, NFTS or in this case RESILIENCE and COMPLIANCE -

This lesson is about the need for people and companies to have the ability to be resilient in times of UPHEAVEL and later how this can become compliance in companies and even countries. 

Objective – Speak with more confidence on matters relating to specific situations in business and personal life. \ Expand vocabulary relating to compound words. \ Improve listening comprehension through videos and tasks. 

Class duration – One - 2 hour session \ Number of students – 1 – 4 

The majority of corrections are given in real time during the online class with notes taken and written in the CHAT option in Microsoft teams, google MEET or skype.


Introduction - The video below is a metaphor for life in general and the need to bounce back after each fall. 

The artist gains experience through his failures and at one part of the performance is actually not even on the steps. 

Success isn't linear by Yoann Bourgeois.mp4 - Google Drive

The noun BOUNCEBACKABILITY which is actually a compound word, meaning a word made from other words usually an adjective and a noun to create a new word was first use by Ian Dowie a sports player and commentator and describes a person with the ability to COME BACK  \ phrasal verb -- return\   after a difficult period or upheaval.  

---- In the UK words can enter into the Oxford English Dictionary if they are commonly used. Colleagues of Dowie began to also use the word in the their interviews , analysis and even in some sports headlines \ titulos\. After an online petition, website and even t-shirts being printed the word entered the OED in September 2022. 

The image to the left is a meal too late to be breakfast but too early to be lunch. The compound word was first used to describe a meal for  ' Saturday-night carousers'  in the British Satirical magazine PUNCH. 

Do you know the word ? In the link below are others, test your self..!

--------------- BOUNCEBACKABILITY is resilience and compliance is building a foundation so that companies can withstand change when it happens. 

Rocky III • Eye of the Tiger • Survivor - YouTube

It's a classic tale of triumph - defeat - comeback and for me it just never gets boring and the music ROCKS!!! 

The world of business in the time of Rocky is very different  to todays world. Although it is said again and again, it is true, we are living in a much more globalised market place where trends, crises and UPHEAVELS seem to occur daily. Both people and companies have to develop new skills and TUNE INTO the characteristics needed to overcome and grow in such a volatile place. 

If we use the metaphor of a ship in a storm, it has to face the waves and be agile in it's decisions and movements. In a company we can view resilience through several LENSES. 

Organisational - the ability of an organisation to anticipate, prepare and respond to adverse events. 

Systems - the ability of a system to withstand major disruption. 

Design - the international design of a product to reduce vulnerabilities. 

Community - the sustained ability of a community to utilise resources to withstand adverse events. 

Individual - the behaviours, thoughts and actions that allow a person recover from stress and adversity. 


LISTENING -- We will listen to a speaker talking about the characteristics of resilience and how these can help us overcome difficulties in our lives or at work.

1. How does he define resilience ?  \ 2. Why is it important in the workplace? \  3. What constant changes does he speak about? 

4. The speaker goes on to talk about the seven components of control, what are the first four ? 

5. Finally what are the last three and what exactly is an INTERNAL LOCUS of control? 


To go BACK OVER there are seven essential components to being resilient -----Social awareness, perspective, social network, being optimistic, clarity and focus, internal locus of control, a sense of humour. 

In which do you excel?  \\In which can you improve ? \\Can you think of other components? 

Can you remember a time in your company or personal life where these components played a strong part ---- which ones in particular? 


Compliance ---- What does it mean to you and is it different to corporate governance ? 

What kind of things can increase or change laws that companies have to comply with ?

Are there regulations that should be changed ? 

What does GDPR stand for and how does it relate to Google, WhatsApp,  Amazon and Facebook? 

LISTENING ---- All of these companies received the largest general Data and Protection Regulation Fines in 2020, 2021 and 2022. A drop in the ocean to these major corporations but something at least to say that it's business as usual in Europe as it may be in other parts of the world. We try to learn from bad business habits in the past although many times technology or the finance market is way too far ahead of the society in which it is operating. 

As with the financial sector, energy, pharmacy and technology also need corporate governance where the cultures within the companies need to change with what is seen as good business behaviour. 

What was the catalyst that changed the way companies looked at risk ? 

What is the difference between compliance and culture ? 

Name some of the wider social benefits of compliance ? 
